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This is a new build 5″ gauge Polly V 2-6-0 locomotive, finished all round to a very high standard with professional lining by Live Steam Lining. I’ve just completed my first operational test of the engine, with a summary of the run captured in this video …..
Details of the loco are
- Length 37″
- Height 16 1/4″
- Driving wheel diameter 5″
- Working pressure 90PSI
- Boiler feed by axle pump, hand pump & injector
- Boiler number BN404 made August 2017.
A full specification of the Polly V can be found here.
Given the quality of the build I have taken as many photos as I can to show as much of the finish as possible, see the gallery below – note there are two separate photo galleries to view, clicking through the 1st gallery doesn’t automatically show you the second set!
This engine is covered by my steam certificate guarantee. Also included are the drawings and build instructions from Polly Model Engineering