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Warco GH1224 Gear Head lathe fitted with 2 axis DRO plus tailstock readout
240V single phase operation
Machine is stamped with the serial number: 129203 and Date: 10 1 which probably indicates a date of manufacture of Jan 2010.
Warco no longer sell this model, and there is not much information available online about it. Closest looking lathe I can find is in issue 13 of the Warco Brochure where the spec of a GH1230 lathe is given, search for “warco catalogue issue 13″ and you’ll find it on page 25. In terms of comparing the spec of the GH1230 and the GH1224, I think the 1224 was 4” shorter than the 1230, but other than that they were pretty similar. Please do your own research to see if you come to the same conclusion as me!
Included with this lathe are the standard set of accessories that come with a Warco lathe …
- fixed and travelling steadies
- large 4 jaw independent chuck
- large 3 jaw self centering chuck with internal and external jaws
- faceplate
- blank chuck mounting plate
- 2 dead centres and 1 half centre
- 3MT chuck for use in tailstock
- 5MT to 3MT sleeve
- change gears for selecting threading ratios
Additionally there are the following items ….
- Quick change tool post plus 7 tool holders
- Mounted ER32 collet holder, plus set of ER32 collets
Looks to me like this machine has seen very little use to date – only a very small amount of swarf present in all the nock and crannies of the lathe bed where you would expect it to gather if it had seen intensive use. Please review the photos to see what you think!
The lathe weighs approx 500kg
Collection in person of this lathe is available. You will need something like a small transit to transport it – I can assist with removing the lathe from its stand for loading and then craning the body of it into the back of your van. Alternatively I can deliver it for the price in the listing subject to your delivery address being within approx 4 to 4 1/2 hours of travel time from where I am – please check with me first so that I can confirm that I can deliver it. Again, the body of the lathe will need to be removed from its stand for transporting.
Further information can be seen in the following video and photo gallery